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Intelligent Recirculating Aquaculture Equipment and System for Litopenaeus vannamei

add Time:2023/12/8 20:54:00

Recently, National aquatic technology extension station and the China Fisheries Society held the Fan Li Academic Conference in Chongqing, where they unveiled the outstanding technological achievements in the field of fisheries for 2023. Among them was “the Intelligent Recirculating Aquaculture Equipment and System for Litopenaeus vannamei " developed by Dalian Huixn Titanium Equipment Development Co.Ltd and the Institute of Oceanology Chinese Academy of Sciences. This technology and equipment effectively address the challenges of high-density cultivation of Litopenaeus vannamei, creating an environmentally friendly farming process without the use of antibiotics. The green and safe shrimp products meet raw consumption standards, leading the trend of "clearwater shrimp farming" in China. The technology and equipment have been successfully scaled up, achieving an average shrimp production of 10-13 kg/m3 and a maximum of 17.8 kg/m3. This systematic approach ensures planned, stable, and standardized shrimp farming throughout the year, significantly reducing water consumption (daily replenishment of 3-5%) and enabling zero discharge in inland areas. This innovation not only lowers equipment energy consumption and production costs but also elevates the automation and intelligence levels in shrimp farming, greatly promoting the development of Chinese shrimp farming industry.

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