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Dalian high-efficiency Aquaculture Science and Technology Mission in our company to carry out tech

add Time:2021/10/25 14:59:59

In order to promote the rapid development of Dalian towards efficient and green aquaculture, the high efficiency and smart aquaculture science and Technology Mission in Dalian is focusing on the promotion of technology in circular aquaculture, to provide high-efficiency breeding technical service for breeding enterprises and farmers. On 29 September, the mission held a technical training session in our company to address the hot issues of industrialized shrimp farming in Lüshunkou District, Dalian and the Kimpu New District, professor Sun Jianming from the Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences was invited to give a report entitled “The techniques and key points of shrimp culture with circulating water and clear water”. Members of the high-efficiency intelligent aquaculture science and Technology Mission of Dalian, scientific and technical personnel, farmers and managers of enterprises or industries engaged in aquaculture, seedling breeding, etc. of Liaoning Nahai Technology Co. , Ltd. , a total of 28 science and technology personnel from universities, scientific research institutes and other related specialties attended the training meeting.

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